Desert Creek House

Effort and Comfort
Download the table of contents or summary of the book - 18p (113 kb)
  • The crisis in our relationship with our natural environment is much more than a problem of excess of CO2.
    Climate change, collapse of ecosystems, loss of biodiversity: these many signs of decay are drastic symptoms that call for a deep transformation in the way we live together and a reassessment of our priorities.

  • This book proposes a new approach to our relationship with nature and the universe that goes beyond conventional ecology as a prescription for managing natural resources. Humankind is not an exception presiding over the rest of Creation that it may exploit at will. No, we belong to nature, to the land. In this belonging lies the solution to our crisis. First, this manifesto examines the pathology in our relationships with nature and each other:

  • It describes 4 major ways we use to escape from our confrontation with nature, namely through:
    1) denial by violence (mobility, speed, virtuality);
    2) destruction by domination (energy, technology);
    3) accumulation by exploitation (extraction, inequality);
    4) and uprooting by isolation (market economy, advertising disconnection).

  • Then it shows how we can find the solutions, both practical and metaphysical.
    While the universe is aiming at greater differentiation, subjectivity, communion and depth, our society does exactly the opposite: it aims at standardisation, indifference, competition and materialism.
    It is why we can find all the solutions we need in nature. When we allow nature to become our teacher of righteousness, we only need to listen and adapt to her.

HOW TO ORDER THE BOOK: Effort and Comfort
  • The best way: You can order the book from your next local bookshop (it is much recommended to support local businesses and their quality service - as it is one of the themes of the book!)
  • You can also order it online (Bookdepository, Booktopia, Amazon, etc...), but it does not support the valuable and personal quality service local shops offer and even slowly destroys our local livelihood.
    Here are yet the links to these providers, in order of my "preferences":
    At Amazon Australia

  • You can also download the PDF version for free - NOT AVAILABLE NOW.
    FREE: download the PDF version (3016 kb) - NOT AVAILABLE NOW Copyright for the PDF version: it can be copied if quoting the source; it cannot be modified or sold

  • Complete reference of the book:
    Yves de Morsier: Effort and Comfort, Desert Creek House Publishing, 2022.
    ISBN 978-1-922890-48-1 - Paperback - 451p -
    You can buy (order) the book in each local bookshop ...or online (Bookdepository, Booktopia, etc.)
    Print the presentation and reference (title and ISBN): Effort and Comfort

    Vocation and Subsistence
    Download the table of contents or summary of the book - 24p (130 kb)
    • So far, as a market society, we have got it all wrong - the role of the economy is not to organise infinite growth on a limited planet, nor is to generate wealth that is accumulated in the hands of a few. No, it is to satisfy the most important human needs for all, from food and shelter to health, education, creativity, social recognition and love.
    • This book adopts a radically different approach to the economy. Instead of accepting the dominance of finance and capital, it goes back to the basics - what are the true nature, meaning and function of resources, of work, of the Commons, of knowledge, of infrastructure, of capital in our human lives - especially if we intend, in our personal lives, to focus on what matters most.
    • The first part of the book investigates the disease of our system: how the influence of market and money has inverted most of our human priorities, favouring competition and profit at the expense of care and sharing.
    • Then it proposes solutions: how we should transform our behaviours; how local communities need to take back control of the conditions for their own production and exchanges; how reciprocity may become the key factor that will initiate exchanges of a fundamentally different nature; how our human values and persons may be better recognised and reinforced; how exchanges become, then, opportunities for social links; how precious qualities (goods) may take shape, find their own expression and be shared, and how they may multiply precisely because they are shared.
    • True wealth is not like a cake one gets less of when many people share it - on the contrary, an equitable way of sharing common wealth makes it accessible to many more, accessible to all people. And, in this way, it circulates more quickly and extends more widely.

    HOW TO ORDER THE BOOK: Vocation and Subsistence
  • The best way: You can order the book from your next local bookshop (it is much recommended to support local businesses and their quality service - as it is one of the themes of the book!)
  • You can also order it online (Bookdepository, Booktopia, Amazon, etc...), but it does not support the valuable and personal quality service local shops offer and even slowly destroys our local livelihood.
    Here are yet the links to these providers, in order of my "preferences":
    At Amazon Australia

  • You can also download the PDF version for free - NOT AVAILABLE NOW.
    FREE: download the PDF version (3225 kb) - NOT AVAILABLE NOW Copyright for the PDF version: it can be copied if quoting the source; it cannot be modified or sold

  • Complete reference of the book:
    Yves de Morsier: Vocation snd Subsistence, Desert Creek House Publishing, 2022.
    ISBN 978-1-922957-71-9 - Paperback - 530p -
    You can buy (order) the book in each local bookshop ...or online (Booktopia, Fishpond, etc.)
    Print the presentation and reference (title and ISBN): Vocation and Subsistence

    Recessive and Dominant
    Download the table of contents or summary of the book - 8p (63 kb)
    • This book is different from other studies that talk about gender. It will go far beyond the gender issue, delving into the deeper meaning of what femininity and masculinity mean as qualities.
    • It will illustrate how our personal aptitudes and attitudes are often linked with our gender. Not because we are defined by our gender but because the experience of our gender provides us with special skills and qualities. For instance, the ability to give birth fosters in women a special disposition for being caring and compassionate. Motherhood nourishes aptitudes for listening, dialogue and peace. This represents a potential our gender offers us rather than a constraint it forces upon us.
    • This predisposition is the path to freedom because it is not deterministic. Men can be tender. Women can be strong. A whole range of attitudes is open to each of us. We must learn the freedom of spirit to follow this inestimable potential and to express it in the way that suits us best. Gender is then more a potential than a constraint.
    • Femininity and masculinity urgently need to be rediscovered as qualities that can mix and combine endlessly, creating in this way a richer range of opportunities. The number of combinations is infinite.
    • We should rather talk in terms of Yin and Yang, as the two poles that influence our lives, no longer so narrowly linked with gender. It remains our responsibility to choose which qualities we will nurture and which ones we will oppose. Out of these many choices ensues the quality of our life and of the world we live in. All attitudes are not equal. Some foster compassion and life, while others foster hatred, violence and destruction.
    • Finally, the most precious qualities in life need to be protected if we want them to thrive. Compassion, care, listening, dialogue and inclusiveness can only develop if we are committed to providing the right conditions for them to flourish. Because their quality is fragile, they are said to be RECESSIVE, while the antagonistic forces are said to be DOMINANT (like genes in biology). This understanding traces a new path of liberation from false representations. Whether women or men, we all become free to act in a creative way.

    HOW TO ORDER THE BOOK: Recessive and Dominant
  • The best way: You can order the book from your next local bookshop (it is much recommended to support local businesses and their quality service - as it is one of the themes of the book!)
  • You can also order it online (Bookdepository, Booktopia, Amazon, etc...), but it does not support the valuable and personal quality service local shops offer and even slowly destroys our local livelihood.
    Here are yet the links to these providers, in order of my "preferences":
    At Amazon Australia

  • You can also download the PDF version for free - NOT AVAILABLE NOW.
    FREE: download the PDF version (1544 kb) - NOT AVAILABLE NOW Copyright for the PDF version: it can be copied if quoting the source; it cannot be modified or sold

  • Complete reference of the book:
    Yves de Morsier: Recessive and Dominant, Desert Creek House Publishing, 2022.
    ISBN 978-1-923265-24-0 - Paperback - 250p -
    You can buy (order) the book in each local bookshop ...or online (Booktopia, Fishpond, etc.)
    Print the presentation and reference (title and ISBN): Recessive and Dominant

    2) The Tipping Point Alliance

    A Vision and Strategy for a meaningful Life in a fracturing World

    My book "The solution is simple ...but demanding" (presented here above) collects more or less the following documents that are here still at a rather primitive stage. They are better elaborated in the book and the book presents much more material and depth at a more mature stage. But this may give you a rough idea of what the book presents and is about. The Tipping Point Alliance is only a accessory part of the strategy that the book describes. It is only an side aspect as a tool in its form of Alliance: what matters most remains the process, and not the form. The process of change can indeed take many shapes! To you the challenge of inventing them!!

    We live in a time of urgency: the environment (climate change) calls for an urgent and radical change of ways of life in harmony with the cycles of the universe and of nature; the economy is controlled by a few powerful interests and our humanity is reduced to provide the necessary cogs for a system that has lost its purpose and meaning; social coherence and solidarity have degenerated into a violent competition where anything seems acceptable.

    We live also in a time when truth seems to be so flexible that anything goes. It is then essential to dare to affirm what is central in our lives. We have tried to do this exercise (which is not simple at all). Out of this attempt a text has taken shape.

    You can download here the main documents:

    Many of the following documents have been written at different stages of the research; they may present some minor repetitions, contradictions or omissions.

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